Bun­desnet­za­gen­tur wel­comes agree­ment be­tween Telekom and Tele­fóni­ca

Jochen Homann: "Strong signal for further cooperation"

Year of issue 2020
Date of issue 2020.10.07

Telekom and Telefónica have informed the Bundesnetzagentur that they will continue their fixed network cooperation and extend it to include full-fibre connections as well as VDSL/vectoring connections.

"The Bundesnetzagentur welcomes the agreement, which sends a strong signal for further cooperation between market players. I hope the open access idea catches on and other parties make voluntary agreements on the (shared) use of the respective networks, even though their positions are rather far apart at the moment," said Jochen Homann, Bundesnetzagentur President.

Homann continued, "The Bundesnetzagentur has always stressed that voluntary, commercial agreements between market players are preferable, given the particular challenges posed by the broadband rollout. They make it possible to avoid tough decisions by the regulatory authority in a highly disputed environment, which may be followed by years of legal wrangling. It is largely within the power of the companies themselves to ensure greater planning certainty for their investments in the construction and expansion of modern, gigabit networks and to pick up speed with these."

Telefónica's contractually agreed access to the Telekom network is subject to sector-specific telecoms regulation. The ruling chamber responsible for these matters at the Bundesnetzagentur will examine whether the agreement meets regulatory requirements in good time before it comes into force. If it does, the cooperation can continue and be expanded as agreed.

Press release (pdf / 340 KB)
